Every Fortnite user will find a new wrap in their collection soon, and it's thanks to the success of Houseparty trivia. The group-chat video service--which is owned by Fortnite developer Epic--registered 20 million correct answers in its Fortnite trivia game, and because of that, the Fryangles Wrap will be given out to all players when the 12.41 build hits.
This prize was promised by the Fortnite and Houseparty Twitter accounts, as long as enough correct answers were logged by April 16. It wasn't clear what the freebie would be at the time, but the wrap that's being handed out is actually pretty nice.
Update 12.41 is due to release sometime between April 20 and 24. 12.40 only just hit, but Fortnite is known for its regular updates.
Meanwhile, PlayStation Plus subscribers can claim an exclusive free skin, adding to their customization options.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 was recently extended, and Season 3 won't begin until June 4.
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