All Fortnite Season 2 Challenges: Deadpool's Pistols; Box Factory; Gorgeous Gorge; And More

We're nearing the end of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2. Since the season began back in February, developer Epic Games has introduced a host of new content and other changes to the popular battle royale shooter, including a variety of spy-themed gameplay mechanics and even a Deadpool skin.

One thing that hasn't changed, however, is challenges. Every week throughout the season, Epic is rolling out a new set of challenges for Battle Pass holders to complete. Clearing these will help level up your Battle Pass, which in turn will unlock exclusive cosmetic rewards like new skins when you hit certain milestones. You can take a look at some of the ones up that are for grabs in our Fortnite Season 2 Battle Pass skins gallery.

Season 2 is slated to end later this month, but there's still some time left to complete any weekly challenges you may have missed. We've rounded up our maps and guides for the trickier missions below. We'll continue to update this list with more maps and guides as the season progresses, so be sure to check back often if you need help leveling up your Battle Pass.

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2 Challenges Deadpool Challenges No Caption Provided
  • Find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games
  • Don't thank the bus driver
  • Find Deadpool's milk carton
  • Find Deadpool's chimichangas around HQ
  • Find Deadpool's toilet plunger
  • Destroy toilets (3)
  • Find Deadpool's katanas (2)
  • Deal damage to opponents' structures (10,000)
  • Find Deadpool's stuffed unicorn
  • Visit the Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple Steel Bridges
  • Find Deadpool's big black marker
  • Deface 3 Ghost or Shadow recruitment posters
  • Find Deadpool's 2 pistols
  • Enter a phone booth or port-a-potty to become the Super-est of Superheroes
  • Find Deadpool's Katanas

    The first Week 4 Deadpool challenge has you searching for Deadpool's katanas. As usual, these are extremely easy to find. The first is in Deadpool's hideout; you'll see it sticking out of the mirror in the center of the screen. The second katana, meanwhile, is leaning against the back wall in the Upgrade Vault. Once you complete this and the other Week 4 Deadpool challenge (deal 10,000 damage to opponents' structures), you'll unlock the Deadpool's Katanas back bling.

    Find Deadpool's 2 Pistols

    The first of Week 7's Deadpool challenges asks you to find Deadpool's pistols. Like previous challenges, these are hidden around the main HQ, so you don't need to jump into a match to find them. The first is laying conspicuously under the table that displays this season's challenges, while the second is located by the barbells in the lower right-hand corner of Meowscles' room.

    Skye's Adventure (Week 7) Week 7's Skye's Adventure challengesWeek 7's Skye's Adventure challenges
  • Visit The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge
  • Search Chests at Spy Bases (7)
  • Pull a player or Henchman with a Harpoon Gun (1)
  • Visit Skye's coastal campsites (3)
  • Escape a Vault using a Secret Passage (1)
  • Consume Foraged Items at Weeping Woods or The Orchard (10)
  • Hide in a Creepin' Cardboard at the Box Factory (1)
  • Deal damage to players with SMGs or Pistols (400)
  • Collect 75 of each material within 60 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus
  • Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item (3)
  • Visit The Shark, Rapid's Rest, And Gorgeous Gorge The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge locations

    The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge locations

    The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge locations

    The first Skye's Adventure challenge asks you to visit three specific locations: The Shark, Rapid's Rest, and Gorgeous Gorge. The Shark is the most obvious; it's the island in the northwest corner of the map, in grid square B1. Gorgeous Gorge is located between The Agency and Lazy Lake in grid square E5, and Rapid's Rest is directly southeast of it in grid square G6. You can see where all three areas are on the map above.

    Hide In A Creepin' Cardboard At The Box Factory Box Factory location

    Box Factory location

    Box Factory location

    In keeping with this season's spy theme, one of Week 7's Skye's Adventure challenges asks you to hide in a Creepin' Cardboard at the Box Factory. The trickiest part of this challenge is actually finding the Box Factory, as it's a fairly nondescript building, but it's located southwest of Retail Row in grid square G7. The factory, fittingly, has many Creepin' Cardboard boxes you can hide in, so find one, interact with it, and you'll complete the challenge. You can see exactly where the Box Factory is located on the map above.

    Meowscles' Mischief (Week 6) Week 6 Meowscles' Mischief challenges

    Week 6 Meowscles' Mischief challenges

    Week 6 Meowscles' Mischief challenges
  • Search chests at Frenzy Farm or Steam Stacks (10)
  • Deal damage to players using Assault Rifles (1,000)
  • Search a chest within 10 seconds after landing from the Battle Bus (10)
  • Deal damage to players while riding in a Choppa (200)
  • Catch a weapon, a can, and a fish (3)
  • Eliminate opponents at the Yacht or Salty Springs (5)
  • Destroy dog houses (3)
  • Block damage with a Decoy Grenade (100)
  • Dance at Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, and Rainbow Rentals
  • Ride the Steam Stacks, a zipline, and use a Secret Passage in a single match
  • Destroy Dog Houses Fortnite dog house locations map

    Fortnite dog house locations map

    Fortnite dog house locations map

    Like the previous set of Meowscles' Mischief challenges, many of Week 6's missions are cat-themed, so naturally one asks you to destroy dog houses. These aren't exactly prominent fixtures, so you may have some trouble tracking them down. Fortunately, there are quite a few dog houses scattered around the map, many of which can be found by houses in big residential areas like Pleasant Park and Holly Hedges, so you'll definitely want to narrow your search to places like that. We've marked down some areas where you can find dog houses on the map above.

    Dance At Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, And Rainbow Rentals Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, and Rainbow Rentals locations

    Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, and Rainbow Rentals locations

    Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, and Rainbow Rentals locations

    Not all of Week 6's challenges are cat-themed; one asks you to dance at Lake Canoe, Camp Cod, and Rainbow Rentals. Lake Canoe is the lake just northwest of Retail Row; you'll find it in grid square G5. Camp Cod is the island off the southernmost point of the map, in grid square G8. Finally, Rainbow Rentals is located on the beach southwest of Holly Hedges, in A6. You can see where all three locations are on the map above.

    Ride The Steamy Stacks, A Zipline, And Use A Secret Passage In A Single Match No Caption Provided

    No Caption Provided

    The trickiest of Week 6's challenges asks you to ride the Steamy Stacks, a zipline, and use a Secret Passage. Steamy Stacks is easy enough to find on the island, and there's a zipline directly south of it, so the first two steps of this challenge shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish. Secret Passages, however, might be trickier to track down, so we've marked down the locations of all the Secret Passages we've found on the map above. Since you need to complete all three steps within a single match, your best bet would be to pick a Secret Passage that's close to Steamy Stacks and the zipline so you can clear the challenge quickly.

    Meowscles' Mischief (Week 5) Meowscles' Mischief challenges

    Meowscles' Mischief challenges

    Meowscles' Mischief challenges
  • Search Chests at Misty Meadows or Salty Springs (10)
  • Eliminate players with Assault Rifles from at least 50 meters (5)
  • Consume fish to gain health or shields (400)
  • Deal damage to players while using Creepin Cardboard (200)
  • Survive a fall from at least 5 stories high (9)
  • Deal damage to Henchmen with Pickaxes (100)
  • Visit Coral Cove, Stack Shack, and Crash Site without swimming in a single match
  • Kick a soccer ball 100 meters
  • Deal damage to players using Miniguns (400)
  • Visit Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, and Flopper Pond
  • Visit Coral Cove, Stack Shack, And Crash Site Coral Cove, Crash Site, and Stack Shack locations map

    Coral Cove, Crash Site, and Stack Shack locations map

    Coral Cove, Crash Site, and Stack Shack locations map

    Two of Week 5's challenges ask you to visit three different locations, but this one is slightly trickier. Not only do you need to visit Coral Cove, Stack Shack, and Crash Site within a single match, you also need to do it without swimming. Fortunately, the areas are fairly close together. Coral Cove is on the small, westernmost island in grid square A2, while the crash site is on another small island directly east of it, in grid square C2. Stack Shack is a little further away; you'll find it to the northwest of Holly Hedges in grid square A4. You can see where all three locations are on the map above. Each area is located near a helipad, where you'll find the new Choppa vehicle, so hop in one of those and fly to all three locations to clear the challenge.

    Visit Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, And Flopper Pond Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, and Flopper Pond locations map

    Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, and Flopper Pond locations map

    Shipwreck Cove, Yacht, and Flopper Pond locations map

    The easier of Week 5's location challenges asks you to visit Shipwreck Cove, the Yacht, and Flopper Pond. The Yacht is the easiest to find; it's the giant boat in the middle of grid square H1. The other two areas are a bit more obscure. Shipwreck Cove is in the lower southeast corner of the map in grid square H7, while Flopper Pond can be found just northeast of Holly Hedges, in grid square C5. We've marked down where all three areas are on the map above.

    TNTina's Trial (Week 4) Week 4 TNTina's Trial challenges

    Week 4 TNTina's Trial challenges

    Week 4 TNTina's Trial challenges
  • Search chests at Pleasant Park or Slurpy Swamp (10)
  • Destroy opponent structures with Proximity Mines or Remote Explosives (20)
  • Fish with explosives (3)
  • Eliminate players at The Agency or Sweaty Sands (5)
  • Search ammo boxes in different named locations (7)
  • Use Decoy Grenades (5)
  • Deal damage to players while riding in a Motorboat (200)
  • Scan a Henchman in different matches (3)
  • Visit Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels
  • Collect different Boss Weapons (3)
  • Visit Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels locations

    Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels locations

    Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels locations

    One of the few non-explosive-related challenges in Week 4's TNTina's Trial set asks you to visit three different locations: Grumpy Greens, Mowdown, and Risky Reels. Risky Reels has been a fixture of the game since Chapter 1, so you're likely already familiar with it. The other two areas--Grumpy Greens and Mowdown--are not quite as well-known, however, so they may be a bit harder to find. Fortunately, they're not too far off from Risky Reels, so you can visit all three with relatively little difficulty. We've marked the locations of all three areas on the map above.

    TNTina's Trial (Week 3) Week 3 TNTina's Trial challenges

    Week 3 TNTina's Trial challenges

    Week 3 TNTina's Trial challenges
  • Eliminate players using explosives (5)
  • Search Chests at Holly Hedges or Retail Row (10)
  • Destroy structures with Propane Tanks (10)
  • Catch air with a Motorboat (5)
  • Visit different Landmarks (15)
  • Use Upgrade Bench to sidegrade a weapon (3)
  • Deal damage to Bosses (500)
  • Land at The Rig, Hydro 16, and Logjam Woodworks
  • Destroy Sentry Cameras or Sentry Turrets (5)
  • Eliminate players without using shield or healing items in-between eliminations (2)
  • Land At The Rig, Hydro 16, And Logjam Woodworks The Rig, Hydro 16, and Logjam Woodworks locations

    The Rig, Hydro 16, and Logjam Woodworks locations

    The Rig, Hydro 16, and Logjam Woodworks locations

    Most of the TNTina's Trial challenges for Week 3 revolve around explosives, but one asks you to land at three different landmarks: The Rig, Hydro 16, and Logjam Woodworks. The Rig is perhaps the easiest to find; it's the small island in grid square B7. Logjam Woodworks is directly northeast of it in grid square B6. Finally, Hydro 16 is the dam on the western edge of the big lake in the southern portion of the island. You can get a better look at where all three landmarks are on the map above.

    Visit Different Landmarks Fortnite landmarks map

    Fortnite landmarks map

    Fortnite landmarks map

    Another Week 3 challenge that will send you around the island is to visit 15 different landmarks. There are a ton of these landmarks scattered around, but the problem is they aren't explicitly marked on the map, which may make them tricky to find. To help you along, we've marked the locations of 27 landmarks on the map above. There are more landmarks beyond the ones we've listed, but these should be more than enough to help you complete this challenge.

    Brutus's Briefing (Week 2) Week 2 Brutus' Briefing challenges

    Week 2 Brutus' Briefing challenges

    Week 2 Brutus' Briefing challenges
  • Find SHADOW Safe Houses (5)
  • Hide in Secret Passages in different matches (3)
  • Eliminate players using a Shotgun (3)
  • Carry a Knocked opponent 50m
  • Deal damage to players from below (250)
  • Open Chests locked by an ID Scanner (3)
  • Shakedown Knocked Henchmen in different matches (3)
  • Eliminate players at Craggy Cliffs or Weeping Woods (3)
  • Deal damage with Shotguns to players while in the air (200)
  • Harvest 500 wood, 400 stone, and 300 metal
  • Find Shadow Safe Houses Shadow safe houses map

    Shadow safe houses map

    Shadow safe houses map

    Shadow is one of the two feuding spy factions introduced at the start of Season 2, and this challenge has you tracking down their safe houses. You'll need to find five to complete the mission, which is easier said than done. Not only are the safe houses disguised as normal buildings from the outside, they're all swarming with AI henchmen who'll open fire if they spot you. To help you clear this challenge, we've marked down the location of five Shadow safe houses on the map above.

    Brutus's Briefing (Week 1) Brutus's Briefing challenges list

    Brutus's Briefing challenges list

    Brutus's Briefing challenges list
  • Search Chests at The Grotto or The Shark (7)
  • Deal damage to Henchmen (2,000)
  • Open doors locked by an ID Scanner in different matches (3)
  • Search Ammo Boxes in a single match (7)
  • Disguise yourself inside a Phone Booth in different matches (3)
  • Be crouched within 20m of unaware Henchmen for a total of 10 seconds
  • Throw different shield items or healing items (3)
  • Eliminate players while having a total of 100 health and shield or more (5)
  • Land at Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay (3)
  • Damage players using 2 different weapons within 10 seconds (1)
  • Land At Lockie's Lightouse, Apres Ski, And Mount Kay Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay locations map

    Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay locations map

    Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay locations map

    The object of this challenge is simply to land at three different landmarks: Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay. While actually landing at the locations is easy, knowing where each one is on the island may prove to be a little trickier. Lockie's Lighthouse is found on the northernmost part of the map, in grid C1. Apres Ski is on the opposite end; you'll find it atop a mountain southwest of Misty Meadow, in grid E8. Mount Kay is a relative stone's throw away; it's located in grid G7. You can see where all three landmarks are on the map above.

    Disguise Yourself Inside A Phone Booth In Different Matches Phone booth locations map

    Phone booth locations map

    Phone booth locations map

    Tying into Season 2's spy theme, this challenge asks you to disguise yourself in a phone booth in three different matches. There are several booths scattered around the island, many in the new areas that were introduced at the start of this season. We've marked where three of them are on the map above. Once you track down a phone booth, enter it and press the interact button to change your disguise. Do this in three different matches and the challenge will be complete.

    Phone Booth Locations

  • The Rig (the small island off the southwest corner of the map)
  • Outside of the Agency in the center of the map
  • At The Grotto on the easternmost end of the map
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