Fortnite chapter 2 week 9 guide: Dance in front of green, red, & yellow bridges

We are nearing the end of the 10 weeks of challenges for Fortnite battle royale with the release of the Chapter 2: Season 1, Week 9 challenges. Known as the Chaos Rising challenges, this fantastically named batch of challenges are some of the most interesting and difficult ones yet. They are also necessary if you are wanting to reach tier 100 by the end of the season.

Fortnite week 9 challenges list Fortnite Season 1 Week 9 Challenges

There are 10 challenges in total that are part of the Fortnite Chaos Rising challenge set. That is slightly fewer than in previous weeks but the quality of the challenges this week is much better than in recent memory. You can find the full list of challenges in Week 9 below:

  • Search seven ammo boxes at Steamy Stacks or Holly Hedges
  • Skydive through rings at Steamy Stacks
  • Complete a motorboat time trial
  • Deal 250 damage to enemies from below them
  • Dance at the green steel bridge, yellow steel bridge, and red steel bridge
  • Get three eliminations with shotguns
  • Use a zip line in two different matches
  • Get three eliminations from within five meters of the opponent
  • Search five chests in a single match
  • Deal 500 damage to opponents while in the water
  • There are a few great challenges this week that we haven't seen much of in a while but the big one that we are going to cover in this guide is the dance at green steel bridge, yellow bridge, and red bridge challenge.

    Dance at green steel bridge challenge tips Fortnite Red Steel Bridge

    First and foremost, there are some tips that you need to know regarding this particular Week 9 challenge. This is one challenge that has three parts to it like the dance challenge a couple of weeks ago where we needed to dance at specific statues.

    Like the previous dance challenge, this is a three-part task that can be completed in three different matches, if necessary. It is quite difficult to get all three in one match anyway so be sure to take your time with these objectives.

    For maximizing time, though, we recommend doing this challenge in the Team Rumble mode where you have more time to search for the bridges plus you have respawns in case you come upon an enemy who takes you out.

    Last but not least, the Party Assist feature is a great way of completing these challenges quickly as you can divide up the tasks between yourself and your pals. You can each split up and visit a different bridge to complete it as fast as possible for everyone.

    Fortnite steel bridge locations Fortnite Steel Bridge Locations

    There are three bridges in total that you have to visit for this challenge: The green steel bridge, yellow steel bridge, and red steel bridge. You can find the map of the game in our image above with the locations of all three bridges. We also have the detailed locations of the steel bridges below to help you locate them.

    Fortnite green steel bridge location Fortnite Green Steel Bridge

    The first bridge that we need to find is the green steel bridge. It is located on the southeastern edge of Frenzy Farms. It is a large bridge that connects Frenzy Farms in the north to Dirty Docks, Lazy Lake, and Retail Row below it.

    You can find the exact location of the green steel bridge on the grid-based map on the border of the F4 and G4 squares. When you arrive, you need to be standing on the bridge and do any dance emote to complete this first objective.

    Fortnite yellow steel bridge location Fortnite Yellow Steel Bridge

    The second bridge in this challenge is found running from east to west on the southern edge of the map. It is located directly east of Misty Meadows and south of Lazy Lake. It connects Misty Meadows to the snowy peaks in the southeastern corner of the map.

    You can find the yellow steel bridge on the border of the F7 and G7 squares on the grid-based map of the island. Stand on the bridge and dance there to complete part two.

    Fortnite red steel bridge location Fortnite Red Steel Bridge

    The third and final bridge for this challenge can be found running north to south connecting Pleasant Park and Salty Springs. It is directly between the two locations, south of Pleasant Park and north of Salty Springs.

    You can find the exact location of this red steel bridge in the D3 square on the grid map of the island. All you need to do is stand atop the bridge and do any dance emote to complete this challenge. You will get 52,000 experience for doing so.

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