Fortnite Chapter 2 season 1 challenges and where to find hidden 'T,' Timber Tent

Fortnite loading screen

Search for the hidden "T" under the bridge.

Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 2 may be a refresh of the game, but the challenges are the same as last season. A set of tasks is available to players each week, giving them experience points when completed. Points acquired increase a player's tier level, which unlocks more content, especially if they have a season Battle Pass.

Challenges are added every Thursday during the season. For this week, players will have a few difficult tasks requiring them to play a bit more dangerously.

Trick Shot ChallengesTrick Shot challengesTrick Shot challenges

The Trick Shot challenges for week 7.

Epic Games

Most of the Trick Shot challenges deal with some combat whether it's using a certain weapon to eliminating players in certain locations. They're all straightforward but one task does require the help of a map.

Dance at the Pipeman, the Hayman and the Timber Tent

The three locations are part of new group of Landmarks added in Fortnite Chapter 2. The Pipeman is found in the mountains at the southern part of the island. Hayman can be found on Frenzy Farms. And just north of Holly Hedges is a clearing where the Timber Tent is at. All three are hard to miss. See the map below for help.

Fortnite Timber Tent mapFortnite Timber Tent map

Where to find the Pipe Man, Hay Man and Timber Tent.

Epic Games

Here are the rest of the week's challenges:

  • 2 Eliminations while at 50 health or less
  • Consume 3 Foraged Apples at the Orchard
  • 3 Eliminations at Weeping Woods or a Landmark
  • Gain health with a small fry, a flopper and a slurp fish
  • 2 Eliminations with pistols
  • Deal 500 Damage with Shotguns
  • Save yourself from fall damage by landing in a hideout
  • Heal yourself within 10 seconds of taking damage from an opponent
  • Fortnite loading screenFortnite loading screen

    Check under the bridge.

    Epic Games Search the hidden letter 'T' found in the Trick Shot Loading Screen

    Like previous weeks, once the challenges are completed, players will unlock a loading screen giving a hint to where to find a hidden letter. This week, the secret "T" is under a bridge in the northern part of Weeping Woods. Check the map to see which bridge and look under it to find the letter.

    Fortnite map hidden tFortnite map hidden t

    Where to find the hidden "T."

    Epic Games

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