EpicFortnite has introduced a new map concept this season in the form of Landmarks, locations that have names on the map, but they are not literally named on the map when you just bring it up in the menu. This is new as of Chapter 2, and Epic has been slowly integrating landmarks into various challenges throughout the course of the season. This week? You need to visit five landmarks in a single match.
It used to be easier to see where landmarks were when the map was still blacked out and you had to explore to reveal it. Certain areas would remain blank, and those were almost always landmarks. But it turns out there are way, way more than those areas that were initially discovered.
I do not know the exact final tally of how many landmarks are on the map, but there are a minimum of 50, and I venture there could be as many as 60. You know you’re in a landmark because its name will pop up in the corner of your screen once you visit there, and there’s usually something distinctive about it. It’s not just going to be a couple cars or trees clustered together.
I have come up with what I think is one of the more comprehensive landmark location maps out there right now. They’re not labeled with names, but you can see where all of them are. And for this week’s challenge, where you have to visit five in one match, you can see where they are clustered.
Paul TassiSo, uh, that’s a lot, as you can tell. Where to start?
If your goal is to visit five in one match, I have a few ideas.
Anyway, there are more than enough landmarks to get five in a single match pretty easily, even if they’re not exactly well known to everyone only six weeks into the season. Happy hunting.
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