Every ‘Fortnite’ Deadpool Challenge Guide For The Skin, Styles And Gear



One of the most interesting threads running through Fortnite chapter 2, season 2 here has been the arrival of Deadpool alongside all the other spy games stuff that was going on. He had his own set of separate challenges each week that were not that hard, and could unlock his skin so long as you had the battle pass.

I thought that since we’ve arrived at week 10 and there are no more Deadpool challenges to come, that I’d do a recap of all the guides we wrote for his existing challenges this season. There were two per week, and while usually only one required a guide, you can see all of them listed out below if you were still catching up.

Week 1 - Where to find the letter to Epic Games.

Week 2 - Where to find the milk carton and chimichangas.

Week 3 â€" Where to find the toilet plunger.

Week 4 â€" Where to find Deadpool’s katanas.

Week 5 â€" Where to visit the red, yellow, green, purple and blue bridges. Where to find Deadpool’s Unicorn.

Week 6  â€" Where to find Deadpool’s big black marker.

Week 7 â€" Where to find Deadpool’s pistols. (skin reward)

Week 8 â€" Where to find Deadpool’s pool floaty. (unmasked style)

Week 9 â€" Where to find Deadpool’s shorts. Where to salute Deadpool’s pants. (X-Force style)



By the end, you should now have the Deadpool skin with two styles, plus his katana back blind, plus a bunch of other odds and ends.

I really do like how this was a “sponsored” Marvel event without being an actual event in the game itself. He was simply a presence throughout the season which culminated in a yacht party, and the arrival of his X-Force friends in the store, Domino, Psylocke and Cable, all of which I bought immediately because they just looked that damn good.

Marvel is now stacking the deck against DC in terms of who has the most Fortnite skins. For those keeping score that’s Deadpool, Cable, Domino, Psylocke, Black Widow, Star Lord up against Batman, Catwoman and Harley Quinn. Where’s our Superman and Joker and Wonder Woman skins, DC? Probably still to come, as everyone constantly wants in with Fortnite cross promotion.

Anyway, I doubt we’ll see something exactly like this next season, so be sure to snag Deadpool while you can. With the season extended, you have until June, so I suppose there’s no rush.

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