Here’s When The Deadpool Skin Goes Live In ‘Fortnite’ And How To Get It

Here's the date when the Deadpool skin goes live in Fortnite and how you can get it.

Credit: Epic Games

Well, we finally have a pretty good idea when Fortnite’s Deadpool skin goes live thanks to a flagrant clue left in HQ.

We’ve been searching for Deadpool’s stuff all over the new Fortnite HQ since the season began. We’ve found his letter to Epic Games. We’ve had to look for his katanas and his stuffed unicorn.

Now you can go into his truly gross hideout within HQâ€"where the bastard is hoarding toilet paper!â€"and interact with a calendar above the toilet there.

When you do, you’ll see this image:

Deadpool calendar

Credit: Epic Games

While the dates aren’t filled in, it’s pretty clearly two Fridays from now, or April 3rd. That’s the day when the Week 7 Deadpool challenges will go live.

Once you complete all seven weeks of Deadpool challenges you will be rewarded with the Deadpool skin, though it’s entirely possible there’s some final step or something else players will need to do in order to get it or perhaps unlock styles for it.

So mark your calendars, folks. April 3rd is the day and not a moment sooner. There’s really no excuse not to get the Deadpool skin at this point.

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