EpicFortnite has just unleashed its second set of Meowscles challenges, where if you finish 18 of them, you will be able to choose his allegiance to GHOST or SHADOW like TNTina and Brutus before him (SHADOW will win, it always wins). One of those challenges is to dance at Lake Canoe, Camp Cod and Rainbow Rentals.
It may not surprise you that all of those are landmarks on the map somewhere, though if you didn’t know where all of them were exactly off the top of your head, I wouldn’t blame you, and that’s where I come in with this guide.
Go here to see where to destroy Dog Houses. Go here to see all week 6 challenges.
Here’s a map of the different places you’ll be going, which are decently spread out from each other (you don’t have to do this in one match):
EpicSo, where are you going?
EpicLake Canoe is toward the east of the map pretty close to Dirty Docks and The Grotto. You can recognize it by the roughly fifty canoes that are scattered around. Go anywhere near it and get to dancing.
EpicCamp Cod is the one you probably know already, the giant island in the south that may or may not be where the original map’s Visitor lives, given the house with all the different stuff from the first map in it. I think anywhere on the island should count for this, but may try right when you get over the bridge in that first zone.
EpicRainbow Rentals is the landmark that I really had no idea where it was when I first heard this challenge. It’s a little series of beachfront houses that apparently you can rent so you can relax and fish when you’re not trying to murder 99 other people on an island. Go there and get dancing.
Definitely not one of the harder challenges out there, though it would have been if you had to do them all in one match. It’s more just about knowing where to go, and hopefully you do.
Once you complete this and 17 more Meowscles challenges, it’s time to pick your allegiance. We will have a separate guide up for that shortly once we actually figure out once that quest is, but it shouldn’t be too long now as I know there are challenge speedrunners out there who will find it.
As always, the correct answer is SHADOW, and I have little doubt that the black cat will be victorious in this coming battle. But we’ll see.
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