Fortnite Helicopters leak as the game’s newest aerial vehicle

Brace yourselves, Fortnite fans. Epic may be planning to add a new aerial vehicle to the battle royale game that is able to transport entire squads, not just one or two players. According to a new leak from a reliable data miner, Epic may be planning to add helicopters to its popular game in the near future, ones that will require quite a bit of firepower to take down.

Helicopters wouldn't be the first aerial vehicle added to Fortnite — the game previously offered planes capable of transporting multiple players at once. This was useful for Squads that needed to quickly move from one location to another, though the players' position on the wings left them vulnerable to damage.

The information was leaked by Twitter user spedicey1 and shared by popular game data miner HYPEX; it alleges that the new helicopters will feature a boost function like the current boats, that they will have 1500 health, and that it will be able to damage players if it hits them.

The latter tidbit of information indicates that players will be able to operate these helicopters very low to the ground, possibly being able to ram them or hit them with the propellers, though it seems more likely that they'll feature some sort of rockets or firearms.

The X-4 Plane previously featured in the game could hold five players, making it suitable for squads, and it seems likely that the new helicopters — if they're added — will be able to carry full squads, as well. It's unclear when helicopters may be added; they'll follow vehicles like the Shopping Cart, Drift Board, Baller, ATKs, and more.

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