‘Fortnite’ Deadpool’s Unicorn Location: Where To Find Deadpool’s Stuffed Unicorn


Credit: Epic Games

Some of these Fortnite Deadpool challenges are a little harder, and some of them are pretty easy. We’re going to go ahead and call this one of the easier ones. We’re in Week 5 now, which means we’re nearly halfway through the season and presumably pretty close to actually unlocking the Deadpool skin, though come to think of it I’m not sure in what week this will happen. To get your challenge, start by heading down the air vent and into Deadpool’s bathroom. Read on for the location of his unicorn.

Several of these things have been in briefing rooms before, and it’s no surprise that this one is in Meowscles; briefing room considering he’s the featured agent this week. so head up the stairs, select Meowscles and watch his little intro. The unicorn is right there on the floor next to the benchpress:


Credit: Epic Games

That’s it: go pick up the Unicorn and get ready to move on to the next stage of the challenge, which involves visiting bridges all over the map. while this is one of the easier HQ-based challenges we’ve had in a bit, it’s actually one of the harder map-based challenges. Not hard in any traditional sense, of course, but a little harder than destroying toilets or what have you.

My main question with the Deadpool skin is when the character will actually arrive in the game: in the past, challenge skins have been doled out around week 8, but that was when they were much harder to earn and players needed a bit of time to complete all the requisite challenges. This one is much easier, overall, so it’s not impossible that we’ll be kept playing until week 10 to unlock this fellow.

Deadpool has been a fun little distraction as the season has gone on: I wonder if the challenges will continue to escalate in complexity as we get closer to release, or if this is just going to keep being an easy little thing to check in with every Friday. We’ll see what happens with next week’s challenges, which is something to look forward to in a world where we have no idea if next week will look anything like a world we recongize. Stay safe, stay home.

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