Fortnite Season Chapter 2, Season 2 (C2S2) is almost here, as the big patch is slated to arrive on February 20. Developer Epic Games has now confirmed the patch for C2S2 will be larger than in the past. In a post on Twitter, the studio said players should expect larger-than-normal patch sizes beginning with C2S2 and continuing in the future. [Update: The Season 2 update is now live. There's a lot of new spy-themed stuff to check out, but unfortunately, Epic hasn't shared any patch notes as of yet. We do know a Deadpool skin is coming, and there are themed challenges around the Marvel character to begin tackling in addition to the more standard challenges, such as one that has you land at Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay.]
Epic did not share the specific file size for the new C2S2 update, but those details should become clear soon.
Server downtime for C2S2 is expected to begin on February 20 at 1 AM PT / 4 AM ET across PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, and mobile. The season officially launches at 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT.
Very little is known about the new season, other than some teasers that have accompanied an ARG with globe-trotting clues. Those all seem to indicate spycraft is the theme for this next season, although some teasers we've seen have referenced cats, bombs attached to rats, and other odd shenanigans.
With C2S2 coming up soon, that means you have just a few hours left to complete any remaining challenges, like the current fishing challenge or the seek-and-destroy challenge. Those will be necessary to top out your Battle Pass and earn all the cosmetic rewards this season has to offer, and maybe to help earn you enough V-Bucks to purchase your way into the next season as well.
The game recently added a new Rickroll dance, and around the same time, added the ability to mute licensed emote audio.
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