Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 2 is now underway on all platforms. Along with a host of gameplay tweaks and map changes, the new season brings along a new batch of challenges to complete. The first weekly set is called Brutus's Briefing, and it's related to one of the new character skins you can unlock through the Season 2 Battle Pass.
Tying into the season's spy theme, one of Week 1's challenges asks you to disguise yourself in a Phone Booth in different matches. If you're not sure where those can be found, we've put together the map and guide below to help you out.
Where Are The Phone Booth Locations?There are several Phone Booths scattered about the island, many in the new areas that were added as part of Season 2. You only need to disguise yourself in three of them to complete this challenge, however, so we've marked down the locations of three of the Phone Booths on the map below:

This challenge is a little bit more involved than the one that asks you to land at Lockie's Lighthouse, Apres Ski, and Mount Kay. After entering a Phone Booth, you'll need to press the interact button to change your disguise, and your avatar will step out in a different outfit. Keep in mind that you'll need to disguise yourself this way in three different matches to complete the challenge.
Another thing to be wary of is that the Phone Booths are typically in areas that are swarming with henchmen--new AI enemies that will attack you unless you're disguised. These areas are also typically outfitted with sentry turrets, so you'll need to be careful to slip past them and get to the booths.
A lot has changed in Epic's popular battle royale game this season. You can catch up on everything new in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 in our roundup.
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