We're nearing the end of the first season of Fortnite Chapter 2, but developer Epic Games still has a few challenges in store for the battle royale shooter before Season 2 arrives. The latest set is called Cameo Vs. Chic, and it features a couple of missions that will send you around the island, including one that asks you to catch an item with a Fishing Rod at different locations with No Fishing signs. If you don't know where those are located, this guide will show you where to go.
Where Are The No Fishing Sign Locations?
Despite the extensive amount of waterways on Fortnite's new map, there are only a few No Fishing signs scattered around the island, and they all fittingly seem to be located in Slurpy Swamp, the swampy area situated in the southwestern corner of the island. We've come across three signs; here's where you can find them:
Now that you know where the Fishing Signs are located, all you need to do to complete the challenge is head to each one and fish up an item. Fortunately, there are barrels containing Fishing Rods near each of the signs, so you shouldn't have much trouble completing this step of the challenge. Reel in an item near all three of the signs and you'll clear the mission, netting you a nice bundle of XP and unlocking another Cameo Vs. Chic challenge to do.
Season 1 of Fortnite Chapter 2 was originally slated to end back in December, but Epic Games has extended it to February 20. We don't yet know what the next season of Fortnite will bring, but Epic has already begun dropping cryptic hints, saying, "Season 2 will feature [redacted] with multiple [redacted]. We can't brief you on all of next Season's secrets just yet..."
In the meantime, you still have a couple of weeks to complete any remaining challenges from this season. If you need help finishing those up, you can find all of our maps and guides for the season's trickier tasks in our complete Fortnite Chapter 2 challenges roundup.
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