Here's when Fortnite's endless Chapter 2, Season 1 will finally be over and Season 12 begins.
Credit: Epic GamesDoes it feel like the current season of Fortnite has been going on forever?
That’s because it kind of hasâ€"Chapter 2 debuted after the game went into a black hole for a few days, all the way back on October 14th.
That was exactly 100 days ago as of this writing. If Chapter 2, Season 1 (or Season 11) ended right now, it would already be the longest season in Fortnite.
But we still have some time ahead of us, and it’s not entirely clear how much.
Season 11 was extended beyond its original December end-date to “early February†and dataminers initially revealed that it would end on February 6th, 2020.
However, later dataminers revealed that the Fortnite API listed the date as February 15th.
Here’s where things get tricky. Seasons in Fortnite almost always end on a Thursday. February 6th is a Thursday, but February 15th is a Saturday. This makes the February 6th date more likely. Still, it’s also possible that February 13th, the following Thursday, will be the end-date.
Big season-ending events take place on Saturdays, however, so it’s also possible that the February 15th date is actually for the season-ending live event, and we won’t see a new season until the following Thursday, February 20th, unless the new season kicks off that Saturday.
In other words, there is still no official word for when exactly this never-ending season of Fortnite will end other than “early February.†As far as I’m concerned, that rules out the 15th and anything later because that is not, by any definition of the word, “early†in the month. The 6th or the 13th seem much more likely candidates. Either way, we have a few weeks to go.
Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend. There was so much hype and buildup to Chapter 2, but the season itself has been dragged out way too long. And while there have been some cool events like the Star Wars event (lightsabers were great) and the Winterfest Christmas event (free stuff!) overall the weeks have slogged by, with very little variety and an unwieldy Battle Pass with annoying locked challenges.
Hopefully some big changes are on the way for Season 12â€"and some big changes back to the way things were before all the big changes introduced in Season X and Season 11.
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