Fortnite ‘Remedy VS. Toxin’ Challenge List Revealed, And How To Solve Them


Credit: Epic Games

So, regular weekly challenges are still going here in Fortnite Chapter 2? It’s a little bit hard to tell exactly what’s going on with the current season, which has been extended until February 15, but we do have a surprise drop of objectives here in the first week of this new, nebulous period, and it seems like we’re going to have a few more going forward. It seems like these are going to continue exploring some alter ego superhero sorts of characters and a new, compromise character in between them. The first of these are Remedy and Toxin, now joined by a kind of purple Remedy with a bit more an emo edge.

So let’s take a look at the full challenge list and how to solve them.

  • Visit Different Food trucks( 0/3)
  • Earn Silver Survivor Medals (0/3)
  • SMG Eliminations (o/3)
  • Search Chests at Landmarks (o/7)
  • Reach 100 of both health and shields in different matches (0/2)
  • Deal damage with a common, uncommon and rare weapon in a single match (o/3)
  • Deal damage to enemy structures (0/2500)
  • Visit different bus stops in a single match (0/3)
  • Achieve Weapon Specialist accolades by dealing damage with weapons (0/5)
  • Be the first to catch a fish, land from the battle bus or get an elimination (0/1)
  • Many of these are pretty straightforward, but check here fore our guide on where to find food trucks.

    Stay tuned for a guide on bus stops.

    Some of these later ones are more interesting, however. Many are best done in team rumble: dealing damage with different rarities of weapons would be difficult otherwise, unless you’re good enough to run around with a grey pistol or bad enough to be surrounded by bots.

    Achieving weapon specialist accolades shouldn’t be too tough, though it does sort of hem you in to a single weapon type until you earn the medal: I usually find myself getting these ones with snipers or shotguns, depending on the game mode.

    And finally there’s “be the first”, which should cause all sorts of strangeness. I’m imagining an insane scrum right at the beginning of each match where every player points downwards and goes as fast as they possibly can and then starts pickaxing like mad. Fishing should be the calmer variation, but that’s mostly a luck -based fishing expedition.

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