Fortnite’s Winterfest: Here Are The Two Skins You’ll Get Out Of The Big Green Box


Credit: epic Games

Have you opened your presents yet today? The centerpiece of Fortnite’s Winterfest event this year is a kind of mash-up of Christmas morning and an advent calendar, where we get to open one new gift chock full of cosmetic delights each day. There’s a ton of good stuff in there, from a Millennium Falcon glider to some pickaxes, wraps and more. But there’s a big box sitting in the back there, and everyone wants to open it. The big box appears to be waiting for either the last day of the event or Christmas morning, and we all have a pretty good idea of what’s inside: some skins. Luckily, we already know what they look like.

To my knowledge, these are the first free skins that Fortnite has ever given out. That is to say, they’re the first truly free skins: no subscription to outside services, special code or piece of hardware required. We’ve had plenty of giveaways before, but I’m fairly certain these are the first with zero conditions.

So let’s take a look! Dataminers have confirmed that there are two skins available, one male and one female. They’re the same ones that we see in the promotional image for the event, and you can see them below:

I’m seeing some reports that people have been able to get the Christmas Tree skin early, as in the above HypeX tweet. It’s a little unclear what’s going on there, as I’m only seeing a very small number of those reports and people say all sorts of things. Bugs are always possible, because most evidence that we can see points to Epic saving these skins either for the big day or for Christmas morning.

The main question that I have is whether we’ll get just one or both skins from the big box. I could see it going either way: Fortnite likes to do things in male/female pairs, and it would make a certain sense that everyone who plays the game would be able to get the gender of their choosing. Then again, the event is very generous overall, without much of a revenue upside. Maybe you’ll get one for free, with the opportunity to buy the other? We’ll have to wait and see.

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