Fortnite Winterfest guide: How to dance in front of holiday trees

A winter wonderland has appeared in Fortnite battle royale with the release of the Winterfest 2019 holiday event. This limited time event follows up on the 14 Days of Fortnite event from previous years that was the celebration of this exciting time of year. With the release of Chapter Two, however, there's a new name and style for this holiday extravaganza.

Fortnite Winterfest challenges Fortnite Winterfest 2019 Challenges

As with any major limited time event, there are a ton of new challenges that players are able to complete during the duration of Winterfest, which is scheduled to end in early January 2020. Each day, a new challenge is being released while the event is going on.

You can find the full list of current Winterfest challenges available below:

  • Deal 200 damage to opponents with a snowball launcher
  • Stoke a campfire
  • Get five eliminations with an unvaulted weapon
  • Hide inside a Sneaky Snowman in two different matches
  • Warm yourself by the fireplace in the Winterfest Lodge
  • Dance at Fortnite holiday trees in five different named locations
  • The biggest and most challenging of those tasks right now is to find and dance at the holiday trees around the map. It's worth it, though, as each of these challenges reward the player with some exclusive cosmetic items not found anywhere else.

    How to unlock the Winterfest challenges Fortnite Winterfest Lodge

    Oddly enough, you don't just unlock these challenges when you open up the game. Collecting them is part of the process, and you must complete a specific activity to get challenges like the holiday trees one. To do this, you must head to the main battle royale lobby.

    At the top of the screen, you should see all of the various tabs that you can select. The second tab is a new one that is in the shape of a snowflake, and is only here for this Winterfest event.

    Select that snowflake and then enter the Winterfest Lodge. This is a special event-specific location where you can open up presents, warm yourself by the fire, and more. What you will need to do is select the stockings that are over the fireplace and interact with it.

    Open up the stockings, and you will receive all of the currently available challenges in the event. This does mean that you will have to come back every day if you want to receive each of the new tasks.

    Fortnite holiday trees challenge tips Fortnite Retail Row Tree

    Before we get into the locations of the holiday trees, there are some tips that you should know. First and foremost, you are required to dance at five different holiday trees, and there is only one per named location, so you will have to travel around.

    Thankfully, you can do this in as many matches as you need. Feel free to take your time. We recommend the Team Rumble mode for maximizing your time and ensuring you are able to get as many as possible. You can also turn on the Party Assist feature, and your team can divide up responsibilities for tackling this challenge even more quickly.

    Fortnite holiday tree locations Fortnite Holiday Tree Locations

    For this challenge, you need to dance at Fortnite holiday trees in five different named locations. Unfortunately, there are only six named locations that we have found thus far to have holiday trees so your options are a bit limited.

    As such, we recommend just heading to the spots that are closest to the battle bus at the start of the match. You can find the locations of every tree above with detailed locations below.

    Holly Hedges Fortnite Holiday Tree Holly Hedges

    The Holly Hedges holiday tree can be found in the beautiful little garden that is located on the northern edge of the town. When you arrive here, simply do your favorite dance emote and you're good to go.

    Salty Springs Fortnite Salty Springs Tree

    The Salty Springs holiday tree location is right near the southern edge of the small town. It's large and hard to miss.

    Pleasant Park Fortnite Pleasant Park Holiday Tree

    In Pleasant Park, the large park and soccer field take up the middle of the map. You can find the holiday tree just north of the soccer field.

    Misty Meadows Fortnite Misty Meadows Tree

    A bridge splits Misty Meadows in two; you can find this holiday tree just above the bridge to the north.

    Lazy Lake Fortnite Lazy Lake Tree

    There is a plaza that goes down near the middle of Lazy Lake. The holiday tree there is found north of this plaza.

    Retail Row Fortnite Retail Row Tree

    On the eastern side of the town in middle of the large parking lot.

    Dance at holiday trees reward

    All Winterfest challenges grant special cosmetic rewards. For completing this holiday tree challenge, you get a special Bundle Up emote.

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