EpicCongratulations, you have made it to the final stage of Fortnite’s week 9 bridge dancing challenge, dancing on the red bridge. As its name suggest, the red bridge is far, far more difficult than the green and yellow bridges before it. This is hard mode. This will require all the dancing skill you possess, your months, years of training in action.
Nah not really it’s just another bridge. Where is it? You’re looking for it south of Pleasant Park 2.0 and north of Salty Springs 2.0, the two old map locations. It’s bridging a river between them, and is north west of the original green bridge that kicked off this challenge. Here’s where this location is on the map for reference:
EpicFind the bridge, go stand on it, and use your best dance moves. If this is your last bridge if you did them in list order, you are now done and you can collect your prizes.
EpicIf you are not done, I have written guides for the other two bridge locations which you can check out here. They are pretty clear to find in plain sight, though it’s better just to know where they are right off the bat rather than going to a bunch of different, wrong bridges as you try to complete this. There are Blue and Purple steel bridges as well that have nothing to do with this challenge.
You will notice that these three bridges form the colors of a stoplight. What does this mean? Is this the greatest mystery of Fortnite Chapter 2?? No, I’m just reaching because there are exactly zero map mysteries in Fortnite season 2 other than Risky Reels slightly changing and literally nothing else happening with Epic on some sort of four month sabbatical, or whatever is going on over there.
This is the last batch of listed challenges, so maybe no more dancing in locations going forward in this extended season, but who knows what else we’ll be doing in this strange initial installment of Chapter 2.
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